Posted April 20, 2020
We have found and photographed Costus in full flower in
- Parque Nacional Yaxha Nakum Naranjo, Peten
- Along road from Plan Grande Tatin to Livingston, Izabal
- Near Q’eqchi’ Mayan Aldea Rio Tzetoc, Muni Coban, Alta Verapaz
- Arroyo Petexbatun area, Sayaxche, Peten
These are all areas that are seasonally wet.
On most of the Costus flowers in most of these areas there were ants happily wandering around the flowers. So if you are a biologist, botanist or entomologist, this is a great ant-plant mutualistic relationship to learn about.
Costus flowers, photo by Nicholas Hellmuth, Nikon D810, along road from Plan Grande Tatin to Livingston, Izabal, March 13, 2020. |
Costus flowers, photo by David Arrivillaga, Nikon, along road from Plan Grande Tatin to Livingston, Izabal, March 13, 2020. |
There are Costus flowers in many of the biodiverse ecosystems of the Municipio de Livingston, Departamento de Izabal, Guatemala, Central America. This is a friendly area: we come and stay an entire week each time.
As soon as the Coronavirus pandemic around the world clears up, we look forward to returning to Rio Dulce, El Golfete, Lake Izabal, and Amatique Bay to see, photograph, learn about, and publish more flora and fauna.