Posted February 21, 2020
The Biotopo Chocón Machacas CECON-USAC, El Golfete, Livingston, is paradise on earth for trees, vines, mosses, flowers, mushrooms, and larvae of moths and butterflies. Here is a remarkable aggrupation of large sized larvae surrounding three horizontal smaller “baby” caterpillars.

Photograph by David Arrivilaga, FLAAR Mesoamerica, with Sony Alpha A9 II, Lens 90mm F2.8 Macro G. Settings: 90mm, 1/250, f/10, ISO 640 using a flash on camera, with a softbox, Biotopo Chocon Machacas CECON-USAC, Municipio Livingston, Departamento Izabal, Guatemala, Central America.
Our visit to this Biotope was arranged by Edwin Mármol Quiñonez, Coordinación de Cooperación de Livingston (Izabal, Guatemala). The flora and fauna research team from FLAAR Mesoamerica had been invited to visit the Municipio of Livingston by the new Alcalde the Municipio of Livingston, Daniel Esaú Pinto Peña. We are discussing undertaking a joint project to record the flora and fauna of the entire municipio, and to prepare educational material for the local schools, and to prepare material for the tourists so they know what photogenic waterbirds and gorgeous plants can be found in this part of Guatemala. This would be a four year project of cooperation between FLAAR Mesoamerica and the various entities of the Municipio of Livingston.