Posted June 24, 2019
The felines, family Felidae G.Fischer, 1817, are carnivorous mammals with very well-developed senses, especially hearing and sight. They are recognized for being supreme predators and excellent hunters. They have soft fur with colors that help them camouflage, they also have a short muzzle and a long tail.
In Guatemala, besides the domestic cat, there are other 5 felines, which are native.
From genus Leopardus:
- Leopardus pardalis Linnaeus, 1758 – Ocelot
They are the largest feline of this genus with a body weight of up to 16 kg and a length between 65 and 97 cm. The coat on its belly is white and the rest of the body is yellowish or reddish cream with black rosettes. They inhabit tropical forests, savannas and mangroves.

Leopardus pardalis
- Leopardus wiedii Schinz, 1821 – Margay
Small cats with a body weight of up to 3.9 kg and a length of 79 cm, not counting the tail. Its fur is softer than ocelot’s and is white in the belly and yellowish or grayish brown in the top with dark brown spots. Its habitat is tropical forests.

Leopardus wiedii
From genus Puma
- Puma yagouaroundi É. Geoffroy, 1803 – Yaguarundi
Unlike other felines, the yaguarundi has a more elongated body, with rounder ears and shorter limbs. They do not have spots or rosettes and their fur is dark gray or reddish. They inhabit several ecosystems, usually near water sources.

Puma yagouaroundi
- Puma concolor Linnaeus, 1771– Puma
They are large cats, with a body weight of up to 120 kg and a length between 86 to 154 cm. Its short coat is yellowish brown to grayish brown. It is found in diverse areas such as coniferous forests, savannas, mountain forests and swamps.

Puma concolor
From grenus Panthera
- Panthera onca Linnaeus, 1758 – Jaguar
They are the largest feline of this genus with a body weight of up to 16 kg and a length between 65 and 97 cm. The coat on its belly is white and the rest of the body is yellowish or reddish cream with black rosettes. They inhabit tropical forests, savannas and mangroves.

Panthera lonca
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