Posted Dec. 6, 2018
Photo by Nicholas Hellmuth, FLAAR, 11:08 am, Nikon D5 camera,
Nikkor (Nikon) 400mm, f/14, 1/1250, ISO 8000.
Photo by Nicholas Hellmuth, FLAAR, 11:08 am, Nikon D5 camera,
Nikkor (Nikon) 400mm, f/14, 1/600, ISO 8000.
Dozens of waterbirds are around Lake Yaxha and adjacent Rio Ixtinto for you to see, photograph, and experience. Here is one example, the Snowy Egret (no snow in Peten, Guatemala, December, January, and February are nice temperatures here in the Neotropical seasonal rain forest).
Egretta thula can be found along the south shore, west end, and north shore of Lake Yaxha, plus along the Rio Ixtinto (which starts alongside the island of Topoxte).
Boats are available from hotel Ecolodge El Sombrero or from the visitor’s center of Parque Nacional Yaxha Nakum Naranjo.