Posted by Biologist Mariana Rivas Gálvez on March 15, 2024
Who are the Abronia Lizards?
One of the most fascinating reptiles in the Mesoamerican region are the lizards of the genus Abronia, representing one of the most notable endemic reptiles in the area. These remarkable animals belong to the family “Anguidae”, and some studies suggest their inclusion in the taxonomic group “Toxicofera”, which also includes “helodermatids” (Helodermatidae), “iguanas” (Iguania), and “monitor lizards” (Varanoidea). Their main distribution spans in Mexico and Central America, with Guatemala being a significant distribution point. Approximately 28 to 30 species of these lizards have been identified within this genus, with 12 found in Guatemala alone, at least 8 of which are endemic to the region. Endemic species in this area include A. anzuetoi, A. aurita, A. campbelli, A. fimbriata, A. frosti, A. gaiophantasma, A. meledona, and A. vasconselosii. It is essential to consider that taxonomy, classification, and the number of recorded species may change as more comprehensive research is conducted and new populations are identified.
Abronia. vasconcelosii - “Dragoncito esmeralda” - Photography by PH. Pedro Pablo Ranero - Zoológico La Aurora - Guatemala City - March 5. 2024.